NYC Chapter of NABMW attend Rhodes Academy for the Humanities and the Arts (RAHA) 3rd Annual Veterans' Program

Veterans at Rhodes Academy of the Humanities and the Arts December 1, 2023.

NABMW Members visit 3rd Graders in Ms. Desiree F. Maurice’s classroom on December 1, 2023.
On Friday, December 1, 2023, the Rhodes Academy for the Humanities and the Arts (RAHA) held its 3rd annual veterans’ program. This year's program was 'Tis The Season for Giving Back Honoring Veterans: Our Heroes. Fourteen Long Island, Queens, and Staten Island Veterans attended the event.
Rhodes Academy for the Humanities and the Arts is an elementary school in Hempstead, NY, serving over 700 kindergarteners through sixth graders. Since opening its new building in September 2020, the Veterans Committee has been led by Co-Chairpersons Ms. Desirée F. Maurice, a third-grade general education teacher, and resident veteran Mr. Christian Bustamante, a 4th-grade bilingual teacher. The committee has prioritized honoring veterans and teaching students about the history of the men and women who have served and are currently serving in our armed forces.
For the past two years, Veterans have come into the school and taught the students about their personal experiences serving in the military. This year, teachers engaged students in various activities that led their scholars to learn about the six military branches: Army, Air Force, Navy, The Marines, Coast Guard, and the Space Force. Students then created visual displays and artistic expressions in words, songs, and dance to demonstrate their learning.
Our assembly program brought all the elements of learning into one setting. The program commenced with collaboration from Hempstead High School’s JROTC prelude and posting of colors. RAHA students from kindergarten to sixth grade participated in the program, which was spoken in English and Spanish. Scholars sang God Bless America and played “Taps” on the trumpet. Dancers performed two original pieces, “Bugle Boy” and “Veterans We Honor You.” Third-grade scholars read personalized letters entitled “You Are A Hero...” Sharing what they had learned was the gift RAHA scholars presented to their distinguished guests: hence, 'Tis The Season for Giving Back Honoring Veterans: Our Heroes.
After the assembly program, Veterans were treated to a feast for lunch, which included Italian, Caribbean, and American cuisine. Finally, Veterans were escorted by RAHA’s Safety Patrol Club students as they visited classrooms, met students, shared their stories, answered questions, and received handmade cards, posters, and letters.
Among the distinguished guests were three members of the National Associations of Black Military Women (MABMW) New York City Chapter: Glennie Millard, LTC, (Ret) Stanlee Richards, MAJ (Ret), and Mrs. Hazel Wilson, Associate Member. These ladies were invited by Desirée Ferguson Maurice, daughter of Blossom Ferguson, LTC (Ret). Ms. Maurice is a teacher who has served Hempstead Public Schools for over 25 years. She is the Co-Chairperson of the Veterans Committee at RAHA.
Air Force Aim High Flight Academy Scholarship
Education for our youth
Air Force Aim High Flight Academy Scholarship for High School Students; Let's get this forward this type of military based scholarship to family, friends, etc. with high school students especially enrolled in a Junior ROTC program, Civil Air Patrol program, etc.
There are two primary objectives for the academy. One is to ensure the selected students fully understand the pathway to becoming an Air Force rated officer. Second is to aid the increase of an individual’s Pilot Candidate Selection Method score with the completion of approximately 15 flight hours. AHFA pairs unaffiliated youth with cadets nominated by USAFA and AFROTC to Total Force Officers, who provide mentorship on the multiple accession sources and the rated career fields.
For More Information: Click Here

Thank you letter from ​Adrianne Moses Ridley

Congratulations to Dr. Detrel M. Howell who received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarianism

Maj (RET) Stanlee Richards received the President Biden's Lifetime- Achievement award in recognition of her service to the community.

After standing shoulder to shoulder with local veterans in March to fight this proposal, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer today announced that the independent Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) Commission process will not move forward, protecting the healthcare services for local veterans.
Earlier this year the Commission called on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to submit its proposal to the Commission which recommended closing the Manhattan and Brooklyn VA Medical Centers, leaving local veterans without a clear plan for the future of their healthcare and community services. Now, after Schumer’s advocacy, key Senate leaders, including the chairman and members of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, have announced they will not support the AIR Commission moving forward, all but eliminating the Commission and saving the Manhattan and Brooklyn VA hospitals from the chopping block.
LTC (Ret) Glennie Millard Regonized In Her Community
The Village of Malverne, NY and the sons of the American Legion, Post 44 honored and recognized LTC (Ret) Glennie Millard Veterans by placing banners on Hemptstead Ave.

Honoring Our Veterans
Today, November 11th, we honor and celebrate those who gave so much to provide us freedoms, hope and respect throughout the world. On Veterans Day and every day of the year in fact, I have been fortunate enough to work alongside my office's Veterans Advisory Committee, and countless others to offer our support, resources and assistance to veterans across New York State. In observance of Veterans Day - a holiday we observe in honor of the men and women who have served in our nation's armed forces, I want to extend my thanks and the thanks of all residents across the 14th Senatorial District, for the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families.I want to also again congratulate and acknowledge our 2020 Veterans Hall of Fame Honoree, Ms. Stanlee Richards, RN. While the pandemic prevented us from having our normal in person ceremony in Albany, we remain appreciative of the work she has done and continues to do in our community and as a member of the armed forces and the Chief Nursing Officer at NYC Health + Hospitals/Carter.

Army Echoes
The newest edition of Army Echoes is now available. Download current edition by clicking on the link below or by using your Army Echoes app (iOS and Android) when available:Current edition:

VA News Releases
VA resumes in-person benefits services halted by the COVID-19 response
10/07/2020 01:17 PM EDT
The U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today the reestablishment of in-person benefits services in select locations throughout the country.
Read Full Story

Proposed overhaul of veterans preference in federal hiring includes time limits, reduced advantage
Advocates pushing for a major overhaul to the federal veterans preference hiring rules insisted Tuesday that broadening eligibility but limiting program use could benefit both job seekers and department managers looking for military talent.
“We can’t nibble around the edges, we need to make comprehensive changes,” argued Joe Heck, chairman of the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, before a Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs hearing.
US Navy welcomes first Black female tactical aircraft pilot
The Naval Air Training Command tweeted that Swegle is the Navy’s “first known Black female TACAIR pilot.”
KINGSVILLE, Texas — The U.S. Navy has welcomed its first Black female Tactical Aircraft pilot.
“MAKING HISTORY!” the U.S. Navy tweeted in response to a post that Lt. j.g. Madeline Swegle had completed naval flight school and would later this month receive the flight officer insignia known as the “Wings of Gold.”
The Naval Air Training Command tweeted that Swegle is the Navy’s “first known Black female TACAIR pilot.”

Your Next VA Home Loan
And what the County Loan Limit change means for you
On Jan. 1, 2020, it became easier for you to use your VA home loan benefit to purchase, refinance, or construct a home with no down payment, regardless of the cost of the home. The VA home county loan limits were eliminated as part of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 for Veterans and service members with full entitlement.
See Full Story...

The December 2019 Retiree Newsletter is now available online.
The December 2019 Retiree Newsletter is now available online. It contains helpful information about convenient options for getting your tax documents, tools to make filling out required forms faster and easier, the SBP-DIC Offset Phased Elimination, what to expect in the year-end mailing, 2020 COLA, Annuitant CEI change, and who to contact for pay and benefit questions, as well as news about TRICARE, Army Emergency Relief and the Armed Forces Retirement Homes. We also have a downloadable PDF version of the newsletter you can share with friends.
To access the newsletter, please copy and paste the link below to your internet browser.

Record Number of Black Women to
Graduate from West Point
Frank Kineavy May 19, 2019
History will be made at the more than 200-year-old U.S. Military Academy at West Point as 34 Black women will graduate this week.
This will be West Point’s largest class of Black female cadets, according to CNN. For the first 75 years of its existence, Black people never graduated from the prestigious Academy.
Learning from the flaws in its history, West Point has been taking steps to become more inclusive. Last year, the Academy named Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams their first African-American commander, and Simone Askew the first Black woman to lead the Corps. West Point spokesperson Frank DeMaro also said that 19 Hispanic female cadets are projected to graduate in the May 25 ceremony, as well.

On May 4, 2019, DFAS official will launch the refreshed myPay that is simpler, streamlined and more mobile-friendly.
When you log on to myPay on or after May 4th you'll see a much different design, enjoy easier navigation, and experience enhanced usability.
You don't need to worry about accessing your account. Your login ID and password will still allow you to retrieve information or submit changes via myPay.
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The DAV published Women Veterans: The Journey Ahead, identifies gaps in federal programs and includes 45 recommendations to improve VA health care and specialized services for women veterans of all service areas.
Click here for:
Women Veteran Report

Click here for:
Toolkit for Department Women Veterans Advisory Committee Chairs

On Sunday, March 31, 2019, the NYC chapter of NABMW, was invited to attend the Hofstra University Maurice A. Deane, School of Law, Veterans Legal Assistance Project. Veterans received free, one hour, legal assistance by attorneys who specialize in different areas of law.
In addition, tax attorneys provided veterans with free tax service. Please see the attached the flyer to put on our website.The NYC Chapter table, provided a variety of handouts to the veterans,
with an emphasis on Women of Color and Telling Our Story. Networking provided an exchange of military information, resources and attorneys
at the law school, interested in providing a workshop for NABMW.
Vanessa A. Lee
Membership Chairperson

February 2019
Catherine R. Laporte (Kaplansky), who is newly appointed to the North East Region Chairwoman of the National Association of Black Military Women (NABMW) and is a NYC Chapter member.